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Unify all your communication channels

One Omnichannel Inbox to rule them all

A Unified Approach to diverse Customer Interactions. Put all your communication channels in one platform.

WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Line, Email, SMS, Wechat, Google Busines Messenger

Schedule a free live demo

Join hundreds of satisfied brands elevating their customer engagement with chatlyn

All Your Channels, One Multilingual Inbox

chatlyn's Omnichannel feature brings a revolutionary approach to managing customer interactions across multiple platforms like Instagram, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, SMS, Email, Webchat Widget, and LINE. By centralizing these channels into one unified inbox, it empowers your team to handle communications more efficiently, ensuring that every customers voice is heard, regardless of the platform they choose.

Forget about teamextrawork, say hello to teamwork

Facilitate teamwork with agent profiles and a collaborative inbox. This setup allows any team member to step in and manage conversations, providing continuous support, especially when a colleague is unavailable. This feature is crucial for maintaining a consistent and reliable customer service experience.

Our team works tirelessly to provide the best service to customers, even in the current crisis. chatlyn has made our work immensely easier, as several sales agents can now process customer requests simultaneously and thoroughly.

We are now no longer limited to just one mobile device and can follow up on customer requests more efficiently and quickly.

Steffl department store
Steffl department store
Milene Platzer
Head of Marketing & Communication

The implementation of chatlyn has been a game changer for us at checkVIENNA. It has allowed us to not only improve our operational efficiency, but also elevate our customer experience to a whole new level. Automating booking confirmations and centralizing our communications has transformed the way we manage our 286 properties and engage with our guests. It's impressive to think of the time and resources we've saved, allowing us to focus on what really matters: providing exceptional experiences for our guests.

Martin Reinisch

chatlyn has revolutionized the way we communicate with our customers. The WhatsApp newsletter tool has allowed us to overcome language barriers and personalize our communications like never before. We can now ensure that every customer receives relevant and personalized information in their own language, which has had a direct impact on customer satisfaction and the efficiency of our operations.

Living Tours
Living Tours
Rosa Madalena Lopes da Silva
Living Online Manager

The deployment of chatlyn's AI chatbot and omnichannel platform has been transformative. It has streamlined our customer interactions, ensuring consistency and quality in our service delivery. This shift has not only optimized our operations but also affirmed our dedication to innovation and excellence in hospitality.

Daniela Eder
Rooms Operation Manager at IMLAUER HOTEL PITTER Salzburg

It was super easy to setup, just connecting our profile and we were sending WhatsApp Newsletters to all arriving guests about benefits and upsell offer!

Our goal was to implement the AI in the near
future but our chatlyn consultant did the whole AI setup within 2 minutes. We just uploaded our guest directory and some pages from our website and the AI was immediately answering perfectly fine on all messenger channels including even WhatsApp or Instagram.

La Quinta by Wyndham Jumeirah, Dubai
La Quinta by Wyndham Jumeirah, Dubai
Jan Hüpers
General Manager

The synergy of chatlyn with HubSpot, Slack, and especially the integration via Zapier has been transformative for SkiYodl. It has empowered us to automate and personalize our customer communications like never before, dramatically enhancing our lead capture and booking confirmation capabilities.

This technological advancement has fortified our commitment to delivering unparalleled customer-centric booking experiences in the ski industry.

Cahal Kane
Managing Director

Don't leave your customers on read

Organize and track customer interactions with ease using chatlyn's intuitive labeling and ticketing system. These tools help in efficiently categorizing conversations and managing client requests, ensuring prompt and precise responses to every query.

Drop mastering eight languages you'll never use

chatlyn's Omnichannel Inbox supports multiple languages, making it an ideal solution for global businesses. Automatically translate messages from your customers into your preferred language, ensuring clear and effective communication across borders. This feature not only broadens your reach but also enhances customer satisfaction by facilitating interactions in their native language.

Explore AI-Powered Features in chatlyn's Omnichannel Inbox


Reply suggestion with AI

Simplify your communication with AI-generated reply suggestions. This feature intuitively proposes responses to customer messages, offering quick, relevant, and personalized replies that enhance customer satisfaction and streamline your messaging workflow.

Improve with AI

Improve with AI

Elevate the quality of your communication with AI-driven message improvement suggestions. This tool analyzes your drafts and offers enhanced versions, ensuring your messages are not only effective but also align with the desired tone and style, be it professional or friendly.


Summary with AI

Streamline your note-taking and information processing with AI-powered summaries. This feature quickly condenses conversation details into succinct notes, allowing for efficient review and follow-up, saving valuable time and ensuring no important detail is overlooked.

AI-Driven Chatbot for 24/7 Customer Engagement

Enhance your customer service with chatlyn's AI chatbot. Train it quickly with your documents, and deploy it across any channel for accurate and consistent responses to complex queries, any time of the day. This round-the-clock automated assistance ensures your customers always have access to the information they need.

Learn More about AI Assistants

AI Interface

Most Common Questions about our Omnichannel Inbox Feature

We love to answer your questions in person, but of course here are some of them already answered. 

What is an omnichannel messaging platform?

An omnichannel messaging platform is a communication tool, such as chatlyn, that integrates multiple channels, such as email, chat, SMS, and social media, into a unified interface. It allows businesses to manage and respond to customer inquiries seamlessly across various channels.

What is the best omnichannel platform?

Determining the best omnichannel platform depends on your specific business needs and requirements . Look for a platform that offers robust features, such as integration with various communication channels, AI-generated reply suggestions, message summarization capabilities, and seamless customer engagement across channels. Fortunately you are in the right place, most probably chatlyn is the perfect fit for your business!

How do I create an omnichannel platform?

Creating an omnichannel platform involves implementing software or tools that can consolidate customer interactions from multiple channels into one unified interface. This may require integrating different communication channels, such as email, webchat, WhatsApp, SMS, and social media messaging, into a centralized platform for efficient management and response. chatlyn is the perfect tool that does it for you!

What is the difference between multichannel and omnichannel?

The main difference between multichannel and omnichannel lies in the level of integration and coherence across channels. While multichannel communication involves using multiple channels to interact with customers independently, omnichannel communication ensures seamless integration and consistency across all channels, providing customers with a unified and cohesive experience.

What is omnichannel communication?

Omnichannel communication refers to the practice of seamlessly integrating multiple communication channels, such as email, webchat, WhatsApp, SMS, and social media messaging, to interact with customers across various touchpoints. It enables businesses to provide a unified and consistent experience to customers regardless of the channel they use and this is one of the chatlyn’s features.

Which channels can be grouped in an omnichannel inbox?

Channels grouped in an omnichannel inbox typically include email, webchat, WhatsApp, SMS, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and more. These channels are integrated into a centralized platform, allowing businesses to manage all customer interactions from one central location efficiently.

Which companies use omnichannel?

Many companies across various industries use omnichannel solutions to enhance their customer communication and engagement strategies. These companies recognize the importance of providing a seamless and cohesive experience to customers across different channels to improve satisfaction and loyalty.

What is an omnichannel inbox?

An omnichannel inbox is a centralized platform that consolidates customer interactions from multiple channels, such as email, webchat, WhatsApp, SMS, and social media messaging, into one unified interface. It enables businesses to manage all customer inquiries and responses efficiently from a single location. Omnichannel inbox is one of chatlyn’s features.

How does an omnichannel inbox work?

An omnichannel inbox works by integrating different communication channels into one unified interface, allowing businesses to manage all customer interactions seamlessly. chatlyn’s omnichannel inbox provides features such as AI-generated reply suggestions, message summarization, and centralized conversation management to streamline communication processes and improve efficiency.

What is omnichannel chat?

Omnichannel chat refers to the ability to engage with customers across multiple communication channels, such as email, webchat, WhatsApp, SMS, and social media messaging, from a single platform. It enables businesses to provide consistent and personalized support to customers regardless of the channel they use, enhancing the overall customer experience. Now, thanks to chatlyn it is possible to do it in a very simple way.

What is a unified inbox?

A unified inbox is a centralized platform that consolidates messages and interactions from various communication channels into one interface. It enables businesses to manage all customer inquiries and responses efficiently from a single location, improving productivity and streamlining communication processes. Now, thanks to chatlyn it is possible to do it in a very simple way.

What are the benefits of a unified inbox?

The benefits of chatlyn’s unified inbox include improved efficiency in managing customer interactions, streamlined communication processes, enhanced customer satisfaction through faster response times, and better collaboration among team members. Additionally, features such as AI-generated reply suggestions and message summarization help optimize workflow and productivity.

How can I manage customer inquiries from multiple channels effectively using an omnichannel inbox for my travel agency?

An agency omnichannel inbox allows you to consolidate customer inquiries from various communication channels, such as email, social media, and live chat, into a single platform. It helps you manage and respond to customer queries more efficiently, leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention. Now, thanks to chatlyn it is possible to do it in a very simple way.

What are the benefits of implementing an omnichannel communication system for businesses?

An omnichannel communication system with chatlyn integrates multiple communication channels, such as email, SMS, chat, and social media, into a unified platform and it presents the following benefits:

  • Improved efficiency: Managing all customer interactions from one central location.
  • Better customer engagement: Engaging with customers in real-time on their preferred channels.
  • Comprehensive insights: Gaining valuable data to inform decision-making.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Adapting to evolving business needs.
  • Cost-efficiency: Streamlining operations and reducing expenses.

How do online travel agencies (OTAs) utilize omnichannel strategies to enhance the booking experience for travelers?

Online travel agencies (OTAs) leverage omnichannel strategies to enhance the booking experience for travelers by offering seamless interaction across various channels. Thanks to chatlyn, this includes providing real-time assistance via chat, email, or phone, as well as integrating social media platforms for customer engagement and support.

What features should I look for in a marketing omnichannel inbox to streamline communication with my target audience?

A marketing omnichannel inbox is a centralized platform, such as chatlyn, that allows businesses to manage and track marketing communications across different channels. It enables marketers to deliver targeted messages to customers based on their preferences and behavior, leading to more effective campaigns and higher engagement rates.

How can omnichannel messaging help businesses improve customer engagement and satisfaction?

Omnichannel messaging is a chatlyn’s feature that refers to the ability to communicate with customers across multiple channels, such as SMS, email, chat, and social media, from a single platform. It ensures consistent messaging and enables businesses to reach customers wherever they are, increasing convenience and accessibility.

What are the top omnichannel messaging platforms available for businesses to integrate into their communication strategy?

An omnichannel messaging platform, such as chatlyn, is a software solution that enables businesses to engage with customers across various communication channels from a centralized interface. It allows for seamless communication, personalized interactions, and real-time responses, enhancing the overall customer experience.

What factors should businesses consider when choosing an omnichannel communication platform to connect with customers?

An omnichannel communication platform, such as chatlyn, integrates different communication channels, such as email, chat, voice, and SMS, into a unified system. It enables businesses to deliver consistent messaging and provide seamless customer support across all touchpoints, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How does implementing a resort omnichannel chat system enhance guest experiences and streamline operations?

Implementing a resort omnichannel chat system with chatlyn, it enables guests to communicate with the resort staff through a unified inbox that embed different channels, such as website chat, social media messaging, and mobile app chat. This enhances guest experiences by providing convenient and efficient communication options, leading to higher guest satisfaction and loyalty.

What advantages does a unified inbox offer for businesses in the hospitality industry, and how does it simplify communication?

A unified inbox is one of chatlyn's features and it consolidates messages from multiple communication channels, such as email, chat, and social media, into a single interface. It streamlines communication processes, reduces response times, and improves productivity by providing a centralized view of all customer interactions.

What are the top omnichannel software solutions available for businesses, and how do they improve customer engagement?

Omnichannel software enables businesses to manage customer interactions across multiple channels, such as email, chat, phone, and social media, from a single platform. It facilitates seamless communication, personalized engagement, and efficient customer support, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How can businesses leverage an omnichannel tool to deliver consistent and personalized experiences across multiple channels?

An omnichannel tool is a software solution that helps businesses manage customer interactions across various channels, such as email, chat, and social media. It provides features like message routing, analytics, and automation, enabling businesses to deliver consistent and personalized experiences to their customers. Now, thanks to chatlyn it is possible to do it in a very simple way.

How does an omnichannel inbox specifically tailored for hotels streamline guest communication and service?

An omnichannel inbox designed for hotels allows hotel staff to manage guest inquiries and requests from multiple channels, such as email, chat, and social media, in one platform. It streamlines communication, enhances guest satisfaction, and improves operational efficiency by providing a centralized view of all guest interactions. Now, thanks to chatlyn it is possible to do it in a very simple way.

What are the features of an omnichannel inbox designed for hostels, and how does it improve guest satisfaction?

An omnichannel inbox for hostels enables hostel staff to communicate with guests across various channels, such as website chat, email, and social media messaging, from a single platform. It helps streamline communication processes, improve guest experiences, and increase operational efficiency. Now, thanks to chatlyn it is possible to do it in a very simple way.

How can an omnichannel inbox customized for resorts enhance guest experiences and operational efficiency?

An omnichannel inbox tailored for resorts allows resort staff to manage guest inquiries and requests from multiple channels, such as website chat, email, and mobile app chat, in one platform. It facilitates seamless communication, enhances guest satisfaction, and improves operational efficiency. Now, thanks to chatlyn it is possible to do it in a very simple way.

What benefits does an omnichannel inbox offer for travel agencies in managing customer inquiries and bookings?

An omnichannel inbox for travel agencies enables agents to communicate with clients across different channels, such as email, chat, and phone, from a centralized platform. It streamlines communication processes, improves client satisfaction, and enhances the overall booking experience. Now, thanks to chatlyn it is possible to do it in a very simple way.

How can a tour operator benefit from using an omnichannel inbox to streamline communication with travellers and partners?

An omnichannel inbox for tour operators allows operators to manage customer inquiries and bookings from various channels, such as website chat, email, and social media messaging, in one platform. It helps streamline communication, improve customer satisfaction, and optimize operational workflows. Now, thanks to chatlyn it is possible to do it in a very simple way.

What role does an omnichannel inbox play in improving customer service and operational efficiency within the hospitality industry?

An omnichannel inbox tailored for the hospitality industry, such as the one of chatlyn, enables businesses to manage guest inquiries, bookings, and requests from multiple channels, such as website chat, email, and social media messaging, in one platform. It enhances guest experiences, improves operational efficiency, and increases staff productivity.

How does a unified inbox cater to the unique needs of businesses in the hospitality sector, and what are its advantages?

A unified inbox designed for the hospitality industry, such as the one of chatlyn, consolidates messages from various communication channels, such as email, chat, and social media, into a single interface. It helps streamline communication processes, improve guest satisfaction, and optimize operational workflows for hotels, hostels, resorts, and travel agencies.

What features should a unified inbox offer to meet the specific requirements of hostels, and how does it optimise guest communication?

A unified inbox for hostels, such as the one of chatlyn, consolidates messages from multiple communication channels, such as website chat, email, and social media messaging, into a single interface. It enables hostel staff to manage guest inquiries and requests more efficiently, leading to improved guest satisfaction and operational efficiency.

How does a unified inbox tailored for travel agencies streamline the booking process and enhance customer satisfaction?

A unified inbox for travel agencies, such as the one of chatlyn, consolidates messages from different communication channels, such as email, chat, and phone, into a single platform. It helps agents manage client inquiries and bookings more effectively, enhancing the overall booking experience and client satisfaction.

What benefits does a unified inbox provide for tour operators in managing tour bookings, inquiries, and customer interactions?

A unified inbox for tour operators, such as the one of chatlyn, consolidates messages from various communication channels, such as website chat, email, and social media messaging, into a single interface. It enables operators to manage customer inquiries and bookings more efficiently, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

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